As everyone knows, people need to others for living and clinging to life. Therefore, people are social creature so people’s brain are designed according to neural connections and these connections are impacted by environment, family,genetics… Moreover, these connections give direction to our lifes. Since,people that are social entities are tend to reproduce to create new generation and to protect their species.

On the other hand they want to create new creature that looks like him/ her rather people want to transfer their genetics to their generations. These are the reasons why human want to find a partner for living together at the end of their lifes in the primitive sense.

People are connected each other for many things. However, sometimes a person is able to feel more close to another person and begin to feel more intensive emotions to him/her. In this case, ıf these emotions are mutual,  an emotional relationship begins between them. Consequently, these kind of relationships’ advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in this essay.

Advantages And The Disadvantages Being In A Relationship

Being in a relationship sounds good for most of people because of people because when people are being in a relationship specially at the beginning of the relationship they feel like as if they are over the moon.

This stiuation derives from hormons. Barely, people who are in a relationship begin to feel that they are monotonous. During the time, they release fewer hormones. Intensive emotions which are exist in beginning of the relationship such as passion leaves its place to love, in such cases people continue their relationship happily. These kind of affairs are healthily. People who love each other, they support each other in everywhere.

On the other hand, sometimes these feelings end and the passion does not convert the love, in this case, although people should have been broken up, they can not abandon each other because of some reasons.

For instance, ıf they are in a marriage and they have children, do not want to break up or some people stay together just that good times which are spend together do not go to waste. In spite all of these negativities, trying to stay together is exhausting for both sides. The best solution is breaking up and resume on the life.

To sum up, sometimes relationships are keep going with love but sometimes person who being together is not the right person for your life and your relationship does not last. Both events are situation that can be experienced. Hence, the best thing for healthy life is getting people who do not you any good out of your life.

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