Fashion is popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration. The fashion industry is a multibillion-dollar global organization dedicated to making and selling clothes. Is the fashion industry harmful to the environment and society?  If it’s harmful, how harmful is it? Some people think the fashion industry is harmless. But a lot of people, including me, argue that it’s harmful.

How damaging is the fashion industry?

One of the biggest harms of the fashion industry to society is directing people to a certain body. This causes people, especially young people, to get depressed. Because they can’t have the bodies they want, the bodies they see in the window.

There’s been an experiment on this. An interviewer asks people passing by on the street about the ideal size. 90% of these people describe the ideal size as a size 36-38. The rest say there’s no ideal size. Others argue that the reason people think so is because of community pressure, not the fashion industry. Our friends and the people around us are putting pressure on our bodies. But to them, it’s not the fashion industry’s fault.

Why is the fashion industry so toxic?

The factories established for the fashion industry also cause quite a lot of damage to the environment. Wooded areas are being cut down for the factory. But the fashion industry does the biggest damage to animals.

About 30-40 animals are slaughtered for the construction of a fur. For a leather belt, about 10-20 snakeskins are required. They hunt thousands of seals for the fashion industry and their generation is endangered.

Animal rights activists are organizing various campaigns with the slogan “No to fur!” In this case, there are those who find people guilty.  The fashion industry produces fur and leather belts because people buy and use them. If people stop using it, the fashion industry will stop producing it.

In summary, we can prove the damage that the fashion industry causes to society and the environment through experiments. The fashion industry is trying to get people into a certain body size. It also uses animals to make his products. The cause of psychological disorders and animal slaughter means it’s harmful.

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