Money is fundamental requirement for life so we need to work to earn money. We are cared by our family in the first years of our lives. They work for us if you are lucky you don’t need to work anywhere to live because everything provided by your family and you become to dependent your family in many ways for example: you can not make your own decision because you have to ask before to do something which is about money.

Eventually most of the people decide to leave from family’s house. This can happen in different ways for instance: you can marry someone, you can go another city to study… If you study city where is far away from your family and if you don’t want to borrow from your family all the time you have to work for a job and study in a college at the same time.

Studying And Working At The Same Time

To work in somewhere beside studying is really hard job however it is including a lot of good way for all our life. First of all you feel that you are not children anymore you are growing. You can begin to undertand money’s value when you are spending your Money to buy something is new this things become more precious to you. Moreover you can find new friends in your job so you become more sociable.

To work in somewhere has good aspects as well as bad aspects because ıf you work and study at the same time you can not study enough for your exam as a result of this situtaion you can fail so you can lose your scholarship. You can not spend a lot of time with yourself and you may feel tired during the class because of this, you can not focus on your lessons.

As everyone knows, everything has pros and cons but the most important thing is focusing on good things. Sometimes, we can feel tired while working but when the time comes for salary we forget all our tiredness. As long as believe ourselves we can overcome everthing.


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